Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ee is for elephant

This is one of my favorite crafts to do because it's something that I will always keep and hang on a wall.  Making elephant hand-prints is a lot of fun and they turn out so cute.

Lacing Dog Bones

Lacing is such a great fine motor skill for preschoolers, and they really enjoy doing this activity.  It's really easy to make and does not involve a lot of time to construct. All you need is one hole puncher, yarn, and a dog bone template-and voila you're done!

Letter Dd

Dd is for dots

This is such a fun and easy craft to do. You need a letter D cut out and Do-A-Dots-which can be purchased at most stores in the art/craft supply section. If you are not able to find or want to buy the Do-A-Dots, you can always glue candy Dots to the letter as well.

Letter Cc

It's all about Cotton

This is a fun craft to do for letter Cc because not only does it help with learning the Cc sound, but I'm also able to discuss one of our five senses-Touch.  I ask students first what does cotton  look like?- and most of the responses are a puffy cloud.  I also discuss how it feels-is it soft, smooth, etc...

Letter Bb

Bb is for button

This craft is more effective if you use only words that start with the letter Bb. That's why I incorporated a brown letter B with blue and black buttons.

A Counting We Will Go

Teaching Number Sense

Its been awhile since I have posted, but I will try to do a better job of keeping up my preschool blog, and will post weekly.
I have been teaching my preschooler numbers.  I saw this great idea of using felt with puffy paint, and craft rocks. They love it and are learning so much!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aa is for Apple

There are different ways to teach the letter A. My favorite activity is apple stamping. I use an apple template or letter A and have students stamp inside the apple or letter.  I use a real apple, cut in half and dip it in red or green paint.  Picture Coming Soon:)