Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ee is for elephant

This is one of my favorite crafts to do because it's something that I will always keep and hang on a wall.  Making elephant hand-prints is a lot of fun and they turn out so cute.

Lacing Dog Bones

Lacing is such a great fine motor skill for preschoolers, and they really enjoy doing this activity.  It's really easy to make and does not involve a lot of time to construct. All you need is one hole puncher, yarn, and a dog bone template-and voila you're done!

Letter Dd

Dd is for dots

This is such a fun and easy craft to do. You need a letter D cut out and Do-A-Dots-which can be purchased at most stores in the art/craft supply section. If you are not able to find or want to buy the Do-A-Dots, you can always glue candy Dots to the letter as well.

Letter Cc

It's all about Cotton

This is a fun craft to do for letter Cc because not only does it help with learning the Cc sound, but I'm also able to discuss one of our five senses-Touch.  I ask students first what does cotton  look like?- and most of the responses are a puffy cloud.  I also discuss how it feels-is it soft, smooth, etc...

Letter Bb

Bb is for button

This craft is more effective if you use only words that start with the letter Bb. That's why I incorporated a brown letter B with blue and black buttons.

A Counting We Will Go

Teaching Number Sense

Its been awhile since I have posted, but I will try to do a better job of keeping up my preschool blog, and will post weekly.
I have been teaching my preschooler numbers.  I saw this great idea of using felt with puffy paint, and craft rocks. They love it and are learning so much!