If you decide to take on the absolutely best challenge in the world and teach your child concepts at home or reinforce what they are learning on at school, it is very important that you set up a designated learning area. This area does not need to take up a lot of space in your home for example, a corner in the kitchen or office is a great place to start. This helps your little learner identify an area where they can do crafts, puzzles, and work on their fine motor skills. It becomes their "center" which is a common term used in most schools. You can also put a shelf next to the table where your child can have access to materials, such as paper, crayons, stamps, scissors, puzzles, and counting items. Of course you can add so much more and change it out often to keep it excited and new to your child. I always put a letter or number on or next to the table, usually something that has to do with what they are currently focusing on. For example, I have a small flip chart of the alphabet and numbers that I set next to the table where we work on sounds, writing, and counting. I also include a container of drawn out shapes on paper for cutting purposes, such as squares, triangles, or rectangles. Once your "little learner" has their own area for learning, exploring, and to express their creativeness, they can begin to open the doors of learning and you can watch them grow.
Fine Motor Skills- Is the coordination of small muscles, such as the fingers. It is a very important skill that enables writing to occur and to be able to manipulate small objects. For example, connecting Legos, cubes, or even being able to do the simplest task of tying a shoelace.
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